School Closing Information
School Closing Information
In the event of severe weather or hazardous driving conditions,
information pertaining to the closing of the school will be broadcast by the following stations:
WOW | Omaha | 590 AM/94.1 FM |
KFAB | Omaha | 1110 AM |
KOLN-TV | Lincoln | Channel 10 |
KHUB | Fremont | 1340 AM |
Should a storm develop during the school day, the same radio and TV stations will be used to advise parents that school will be closing and that buses will be departing early. In a situation like this, the safety of the children comes first. If the transportation of one child to his home endangers the safety of others on the bus, the driver will deliver the child to a neighbor and ask that the parents be contacted by phone. When the driver completes the route he/she will report to the superintendent regarding any children left with neighbors.
If you have questions related to school closing,
please contact the building principals or the superintendent.
Phone: (402) 478-4171 or Fax: (402) 478-4176